Bernard lived in the French Alps from 1981 to 1992, in a village of 1500 souls called Lans en Vercors, 1020 metres above sea level, 30 minutes from Grenoble. Its main activities are adventure tourism and farming. Vercors has the status of a park, and so is the ideal spot for cross-country skiing, hiking, mountain biking and rock climbing.

Bernard concentrated on teaching skiing, and earned his licence for teaching Nordic skiing. He and his friends, high-mountain guides, spent their time in the mountains, and it was with two of them – Bruno Pellicier and Roland Tuetey – that he organized the 1992 expedition, a world first, depicted in the film “Ellesmere en haut du Monde.” He returns regularly to the Alps, to enjoy the mountains, his friends, and of course the wine and food.

The Alps are a wonderful playground for any climber!
There’s no shortage of daunting challenges.
The Sea of Ice glacier, Chamonix.
Mont Blanc, 4810 m, calling to so many!
Many wonderful ascents with Bruno Pellicier and Nathalie.