A new way for me to approach a mountain, a new way to experience it. But after all, horses just go together naturally with Argentina and the Andes. It was astonishing to realize just what horses are capable of! They can go above 4000 m, cross glaciers and rushing streams and pick their way through rough terrain. It was a rich and wonderful adventure. The Andes, the world’s longest mountain range, is like a work of art with its colourful rocky cliffs stretching thousands of kilometres.



Horse riding at an average altitude of 3 800m. Getting through the pass Portillo Argentino (4 200m) and also the one of Portillo Piuquenes (4 300m). Border Argentina – Chile. At the foot of the volcano Tupungato (6 700m) and the glacier Meson San Juan (6 010m).

We slept in tents while the horses roamed free, to be rounded up again at daybreak. Horses and riders quickly establish a complicity, a kind of partnership, almost like climbing partners.

Pausing for a moment to gaze at Mount Tupungato, 6700 m.
Colour was invented in the Andes.
At over 4000 metres, the Chili-Argentina border doesn’t see much traffic!