Here I go again…
Once again, that sense of adventure is rising in me. It is growing faster all the time, and ber than I expected. Once again, I can feel the challenge seizing me and pushing me on. When I was young, I used to look up to the top of the hill and wonder how far I could see from the top. Well, I’m bigger now — but so is the hill!
I thought that the tightening throat that comes with the final preparations would disappear with experience. This time I had a somewhat more relaxed and calm environment to prepare my backpack. I was sure I would sleep better, that I would take the time to water my plants and empty my refrigerator before leaving. But no, it’s not that way. Once again I’m running here and there, talking too much and too fast, forgetting to feed the parking meter and delaying my appointments. But once again, I’m experiencing all the pleasure of leaving.
Leaving to go far, far away, leaving to scale new heights, leaving to come back again.