On December 10, 2001, he stood atop the world’s coldest peak, Mount Vinson, in Antarctica, crowning his exceptional World Tour via the highest mountain on each of the 7 continents. December 10, 2001, Bernard Voyer as completed the last stop on his World Tour of the highest mountains, by climbing Mont Vinson (4,897 metres), the highest peak in the Antarctic, with climbing partner Nathalie Tremblay.

Bernard Voyer becomes the first explorer in the Americas to complete this world tour via the highest mountain on each continent and its two geographic poles.

The plane seems so tiny on this gigantic icy continent.
By way of the Branscomb Glacier and the Vinson-Shinn Col F (Alpine)
Preparations at base camp.
The ascent begins with a gentle slope.
Approaching much steeper slopes.

The base camp is situated on the Branscomb Glacier at 2 100m (6,900ft). The route climbs the glacier for 3km (2 miles) where it turns north under the West Face of the mountain. Here a steep hanging glacier provides a direct route to the summit. Just beyond this bend, poorly sheltered among pressure ridges at 2 700m (8,800ft) is Camp 1. Camp 2, a further 2km (11/2miles) up the glacier at 3 100m (10,200ft), is often placed in a windscoop at the base of the Branscomb Ridge, within sight of the icefall leading to the Vinson-Shinn Col. The route climbs this icefall to Camp 3, which is situated at 3 700m (12,100ft). From here the route turns south, ascending the Vinson summit glacier for 5km (3 miles) to 4 500m (14,800ft) where a short snow and ice slope leads to a small col and the Summit Ridge. Vinson summit (16,067ft).

At these high latitudes the effects of altitude must not be underestimated. Crevasses, avalanches, séracs collapsing in the icefalls, are common. All parts of the route apart from the area immediately surrounding base camp are windswept. The most serious concern is to avoid being caught by high winds.