Bernard Voyer has been appointed to be Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel of the 2nd Canadian Rangers Patrol Group.
Composed of Inuits, Innus, Crees and Naskapis and present in 30 villages of the Nunavik, the James Bay and the Lower North Shore, the Rangers support Canadian Forces activities by providing expertise, guidance and advice on the local environment of the Grand Nord. The Junior Rangers program offers young people (ages 12 to 18) a unique opportunity to participate in a variety of outdoors activities.
Bernard organized several trips abroad, in Peru and Nepal, for the Juniors Rangers.
![FrancaisFrench SJ2009-0056-02 05 mai 2009 Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Québec Portrait : Lieutenant-colonel (Lcol) (H) Bernard Voyer Unité : 2e Groupe de Patrouilles des Rangers du Canada GPM: Colonel Honoraire Décorations : Officier de l'ordre du Canada, Chevalier de l'ordre national du Québec, Médaille du jubillé de la Reine, Chevalier de la légion d'honneur de la France. NM : H19 161 409 Photo par Cpl Louis Brunet, PhotographeTechnicien en Imagerie Forces Canadiennes [#Beginning of Shooting Data Section] Nikon D2X Focal Length: 140mm Optimize Image: Color Mode: Mode I (sRGB) Long Exposure NR: Off High ISO NR: Off 200954 15:41:23.9 Exposure Mode: Manual White Balance: Direct sunlight Tone Comp.: Auto RAW (12-bit) Metering Mode: Spot AF Mode: Manual Hue Adjustment: 0° Image Size: Large (4288 x 2848) 1125 sec - F8 Flash Sync Mode: Not Attached Saturation: Normal Exposure Comp.: 0 EV Sharpening: Auto Lens: VR 70-200mm F2.8 G Sensitivity: ISO 160 Image Comment: [#End of Shooting Data Section]](https://www.bernardvoyer.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/BV_Rangers.jpg)