A passionate speaker, Bernard uses his motivational talks to communicate his drive to excel, the strength of teamwork, co-operation and initiative and the importance of digging deep within ourselves to find the inner resources to reach our goals.

Bernard Voyer gives a human face to an extraordinary triumph of determination. In his presentations he appeals to the audience’s imagination, but above all he succeeds in summoning forth listeners’ desire to excel, to prove their own courage and motivation.

Companies are making huge changes in their cultures and their ways of doing things these days. In an uncertain economic climate, faced with increasingly fierce competition, they have to cope with a whole new host of challenges. Organizations and individuals must adapt quickly to change and work harder than ever before. Teamwork is essential. It is just these strengths that have been key factors in all Bernard Voyer’s expeditions.

Bernard Voyer gives a human face to his extraordinary triumphs of determination. He appeals to the audience’s imagination, but above all he succeeds in summoning forth his listeners’ desire to excel, to demonstrate their own courage and motivation. He is walking proof of what can be accomplished with teamwork, co-operation and initiative, living testimony to the importance of finding within ourselves the resources we need to reach our goals.

His presentation is illustrated with images from his expeditions. Step by step, he has conquered the most inhospitable places on Earth: the Antarctic, the Himalayas, the Arctic, Greenland, the Sahara ... What motivates him to strive for such difficult goals? Why reach so high and so far? Where does he find the commitment to his goals, and the ability to use teamwork to achieve them? Where does he find the strength and energy he needs?

Bernard Voyer reveals the answers, sharing his passion.





Teamwork - reaching goals
Interdependence – solidarity
Management of success and failures
Persevering - finding new energy – renewal
Resilience - conquering fears - overcoming obstacles
Planning for success -the importance of the logistics
Leadership - decision making




A FAQ can often be a bit long to read, so feel free to contact us and ask us your questions directly!

Q.1: What is a motivational talk by Bernard Voyer?

Regardless of the theme, a talk by Bernard is all about sharing. An invitation to embark on an adventure with him, to understand his approach and follow him to the ends of the Earth. With his multimedia presentation, he will take you with him straight to the heart of his adventures.

Q.2: How much does it cost?

Rates depend on the type of talk: for students, a corporation, etc., and the number of people in the audience. Please contact us for details on our rates.

Q.3: Does he give talks in English?

Of course! Bernard is regularly invited to speak in English elsewhere in Canada, in the United States and around the world.

Q.4: Specifications, reservations … how do we go about inviting Mr. Voyer?

As soon as you contact us, we’ll e-mail you all the information concerning the theme you’re interested in, i.e. corporate or school group, etc.

Q.5: How does the billing work? Are there any surcharges?

The bill includes all the costs related to the lecture. It shows the price of the talk itself and, if applicable, travel and accommodation costs.

Q.6: How far in advance do I need to reserve?

If you are in Montréal, up to one hour before the event!! But we suggest that you allow a bit more time, to make sure he is available. Bernard has a busy schedule.

Q.7: How will he adapt his lecture to our specific needs?

We suggest that you have a telephone chat with Bernard to adjust his talk to your requirements and your event.

Q.8: How long does a lecture last?

Usually one hour, but of course the length can be adapted to your needs.

Q.9: Can we talk to him after the lecture?

Of course. He will be happy to meet the audience and sign autographs.

Q.10: What are the technical requirements?

Don’t worry! They’re not complicated. We’ll send you sound, lighting and projection details.

Q.11: I like the sound of the suggested lectures, but I’d like to hear him talk about something else. Is that possible?

It’s entirely possible, and we’ve done it before. The best idea is to contact us to discuss your ideas.

Q.12: I’d like to organize a lecture, but as part of a larger event, for example with an outdoor activity. Is that possible?

Yes, and we’re used to that kind of combination: hikes interspersed with chats, teambuilding exercises, workshops, etc.

Q.13: This FAQ is getting kind of long. Will it be over soon?

Yes, you’ve reached the end. We just have time to give you our contact details in case you have any other questions!